theoretically speaking
Published on January 6, 2012 By damitman In Current Events

Ron Paul by rights


Notes from secret meeting between Ron paul and Milt.

I know you get a third of republican votes. This is called "front-running" status in O' Bama's dream world.  Given the new ORDER in GA. We will run against Hillary, not Aliens.

It's a done deal to them. You have been used and stand to be destroyed by the liberal media who KNOW about your Ponzi scheme with your Son.  You are set up milt

If you REALLY want to win for freedom, let it go.

The scam was 1.6 billion ,hence the delay in filing.  It;s KNOWN.  They will destroy your wife, your business, your pride if you continue as if you are un-touichable.

MSM hates Ron Paul, yet the MSM is liberal. WHY.  Because you are a tool and I am change,

Rick Santorum, was voted most corrupt politician for 2006, so he;s gfone on funding and false charater.

It is you and a vietnam vet who wants to let the youth live free and not die on foreign soil.

Let's talk and make it work Milt, not just for us, but for our heirs.

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